Mastering Money in Your Marriage


There’s more at stake than your bank account.

If money talks, what’s it saying about your marriage? Are the two of you on the same side of money matters, or are you often in disagreement?

Either way, your marriage will benefit from the discussions and exercises found in this 6-week study. Gather with a small group of friends and learn how spouses can manage money together. You’ll be challenged to:

    • Establish financial priorities that you both believe in and support
    • Identify biblical principles for money management
    • Make money decisions together

Mastering Money in Your Marriage gives a plan for making healthy financial decisions and strengthening your relationship at the same time. You’ll be glad you made the investment.

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ISBN: 9781602003330

Author: Ron Blue

Pages: 115

Size: 13.7x21cm

Weight: 183g